APDT Code of Professional Conduct and Responsibility
As a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT), I will strive to:
What is the APDT?
The Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) is a professional organization of individual trainers who are committed to becoming better trainers through education. They were founded in 1993 by Ian Dunbar DVM, Ph.D. as a forum for trainers to associate with one another and to discuss topics of mutual interest. They have since become a member-driven organization producing educational conferences in locations throughout the United States. Their annual conference has grown from 250 participants a few years ago to 1500 participants.
Their members include world renowned speakers and authors, veterinarians, dog trainers, dog club members, humane society personnel and service dog trainers. The APDT offers individual pet dog trainers a respected and concerted voice in the dog world. They continue to promote professional trainers to the veterinary profession and to increase public awareness of dog friendly training techniques. |
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